The existence of the internet has provided many solutions to everyday life, including hotel reservations, where currently online booking is not a new thing. Currently, most hotels are familiar with and use online bookings as a source of revenue, but it turns out that there are still some hotels that rely on offline sources to get reservations. Here are some reasons your hotel should focus on online bookings.

1. Online Reach
Whenever travelers want to book a hotel, their first immediate action is to go to Google. They search for general terms such as: hotel in location XYZ, best hotel in hotel XYZ, cheap hotel in location XYZ and so on. They will have the option to book their stay from an Online Travel Agent, metasearch, or the hotel's website itself. Regardless of the source of the reservation after, in this case, the reach of your Hotel will be wide. So that your hotel will get a wider range of users.

2. Manual system will be reduced
Manual or offline systems certainly require human resource efforts to some extent, whereas online ordering makes this manual effort less. Unlike booking by phone, where you have to provide all the details of the room, rate plan and so on; in terms of online ordering, everything is available online and automatically.
Reservations and reservations from various platforms are directly taken and further managed by the hotel system (booking engine, channel manager, or central reservation system). Even payments are processed online, so all you have to do is focus on providing the best possible guest experience.
3. Convenient for you and your guests
When your hotel is available online, it becomes very easy for them to find your hotel. Your guests also appreciate the convenience of booking via desktop or mobile. Plus, guests will have the freedom to browse hotel services at their own pace without any direct selling pressure. The payment options available on online bookings also make alternative reservations more attractive and make it easier for guests to choose payment options.

4. Availability around the clock
You can sell your inventory or room availability in realtime or 24 hours without additional resources. Through the online platform, your guests can book with you anytime, anywhere. So online booking is really an advantage for the hotel.
Want your hotel to be online and increase your revenue? Contact ecommerceloka now. Ecommerceloka helps property owners (Hotels, Villas, Apartments and Guest Houses) to increase traffic, ranking and visibility in online sales. Increase your hotel business with ecommerceloka.